Welcome to the BC Dental Association


Canadian Dental Care Plan Updates for Patients

This membership category is available to all active dentists who hold any of the following licenses: General Practitioner, Certified Specialist/Restricted to Specialty, Academic (Grandparented), Limited (Armed Forces or Government), or is Semi-Retired or on Parental Leave.

Benefits of Full Membership

Being a full member provides access to all of our programs and services.

In addition, Full Members receive:

  • Access to online billing services through the Canadian Dental Association

  • X-Ray/CBCT inspection

  • Free listing on our Find A Dentist page which is accessed by the general public

Full Membership Sub-Categories

General Practitioner

  • Dentists holding an active Full Dental BCCOHP License are eligible ($1720)

Certified Specialist

  • Dentists holding an active Certified Specialist or Restricted to Specialty BCCOHP License are eligible ($1720)

First Year in Practice

  • New graduate dentists and specialists that register for BCDA membership within one (1) year of graduation, provided specialists were not previously licensed, and hold any of the following BCCOHP Licenses: Full License, Certified Specialist, or Restricted to Specialty License are eligible ($1290)

Academic (Grandparented)

  • Dentists holding an active Academic (Grandparented) BCCOHP License are eligible ($1290)

Armed Services

  • Dentists holding an active Limited (Armed Forces or Government) BCCOHP License are eligible ($1290)


  • Dentists holding an active Full, Certified Specialist, or Restricted to Specialty BCCOHP License and are transitioning into retirement working 300 hours or less as of the previous membership year, and does not exceed three (3) membership years in this sub-category are eligible ($1290)

Parental Leave

  • Dentists holding an active Full, Certified Specialist, or Restricted to Specialty BCCOHP License but will be absent from practice for a period of four (4) to twelve (12) months are eligible ($1290)

Apply to become a full member today!